Save The Valley is funded exclusively by donations from people like you. Articles like these are critical in keeping the public informed about important issues relating to Beaver Valley but require donations to keep them going. If you find this article valuable, please consider making a donation today. No amount is too small. Your donations are a critical part of keeping this effort going. Please donate today!

Help To Keep The Valley Alive

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How we use your donation:

Save The Valley is working hard to speak for the trees - we've stopped development plans 3 times in the last year, but the fight is not over. Unfortunately, this effort is expensive and has some very real operating costs. We use funds for things like printing out flyers, mailings, bumper stickers, making signs, website hosting and maintenance, legal fees, etc. 100% of your donation goes towards this cause. However, since you believe in this cause like we do, we're calling for YOUR help - and it will only require the smallest sacrifice.



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